Opakowanie Determinants of Innovativeness

Determinants of Innovativeness

ISBN: 9788360653159
EAN: 9788360653159
oprawa: Miękka
format: 14.6x20.9
język: angielski
liczba stron: 170
rok wydania: 2009
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Innovations are the root of the evolution of economic system. An ability to improve innovation performance seems to be nowadays one of the key elements determining not only potential of development in business but also its survival in the highly developed markets. Increased competitiveness of the new economies imposes new impetus to action on canvas innovation. Issues relating to innovativeness have multi-faceted character, which stems from its unique nature. It can be examined from global or regional perspective, or from the standpoint of individual behaviour of decision-making subjects. It is vital to differentiate between the perspective of a producer and perspective of a consumer. The present publication responds to market demand for the identification of innovation determinants. The paper discusses both well-known issues and issues that make new and major contribution to the scope of the „The monograph fills a gap in the field of innovation’s determinants. Additionally, it strongly emphasizes the microeconomic aspect that should be unquestionably recognized as a positive feature of the book. Enterprises are the foreground actor of the innovation process since they are implementing into economic practice new solutions, concepts, ideas and technologies. The analysis of key factors persuading enterprises to search for innovation element and to undertake activities motivating to create innovation determines development of enterprises and also regions. On the other side in order to develop innovation in enterprises it is essential to reinforce region’s innovation potential. Through a prism of these issues development barriers have been described. The monograph competently integrates streams of both theoretical and practical reasoning. The subject undertaken in the book makes that it is addressed to all who are interested in the innovation and especially its determinants”. dr hab. Sylwia Pangsy-Kania Gdańsk University
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